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Natural Bamboo Fiber fabric is elegant, comfortable, deliciously, soft, doesn’t pilling. It keeps you cool and dry even when the weather is warm. Bamboo’s naturally smooth fiber properties are non-irritating to the skin, making it ideal for people with skin sensitivities or other allergies. Baby is easy sweat so bamboo

fabric is the best choose to make bedding and wearing for baby.

Natural Bamboo Fabric is Anti-fungal, anti-odour, anti-bacterial. Our factory use natural bamboo fiber yarn count which called Tianzhu Bamboo fiber is a regenerated cellulose fiber made from bamboo, It maintains the original antibacterial and bacteriostatic effects of bamboo, and also has the characteristics of good moisture absorption, breathability, soft feel, good fabric drape, good UV resistance, easy care, excellent dyeing performance, wear resistance, and no lint . Compared with ordinary products, the cost of Tianzhu fiber yarn is relatively high, but it has antibacterial and bacteriostatic properties, and the speed of slipping and perspiration is particularly fast.

Natural Bamboo Fabric which flatters body without harming the earth, which is total eco-friendly. Bamboo grows ridiculously fast, two to four feet per DAY(!) depending on the species. And you can get 20 times more building material, and hundreds of times more fabric out of the same harvested amount of bamboo than you can from other plants, trees or other fabric sources without the use of fertilizers.



Contact: Ting Yu

Phone: 0086-18158438089

Tel: 0086-18158438089

Email: tingyu@chengbangfabric.com

Add: No.158 Wuxi Road, Niansanli Street, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province

Whatsapp: 008618158438089

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